Is texas oncology part of us oncology?

Texas oncology has provided treatment and hope to more people across Texas than any other cancer care provider. As part of The US oncology Network, we provide high-quality, evidence-based care to patients close to home. These doctors have performed more minimally invasive colorectal and robotic laparoscopic procedures than any other office in North Texas, proving to be innovators in advanced CRC care. Through Texas Oncology, patients can participate in exciting new clinical trials and novel therapies, directly in their own communities.

A physician-led organization, The US Oncology Networks unites like-minded physicians and clinicians around a common vision of improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Texas Breast Specialists is an allied group of physicians, including breast surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and breast radiologists, dedicated to diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the breast, both cancerous and benign. OPS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Texas Oncology and is committed to providing the highest quality pharmacy care to patients served by the Texas Oncology group of physicians. Oncology Pharmacy Services (OPS) is a pharmaceutical company that operates licensed retail pharmacies in 38 locations throughout the state of Texas.

Texas Oncology focuses on a community-based approach, with the intention of providing cancer patients in underserved rural or urban areas with access to care and treatment in their local communities that are usually associated with major academic or medical centers. Founded in 1986 by several oncologists at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, the organization has grown to include a network of more than 460 doctors in more than 210 offices in Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Precision Health Informatics solutions are based on data representing a wide and diverse patient base, including more than 55,000 new cancer patients seen each year at all 220 Texas Oncology locations. The U.S.

Oncology Network continues its rapid growth and improves the surgical experience with the addition of physicians from Texas Colon %26 Rectal Specialists as part of Texas Oncology. Texas Urology Specialists provides comprehensive urological care to patients to treat male and female urinary tract diseases, as well as disorders of the male reproductive system. Sammons Cancer Center Blood %26 Bone Marrow Program, Texas Oncology-Medical City Dallas Blood %26 Marrow Program and Texas Oncology-Medical City Dallas Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. As innovators in advanced colorectal care, doctors performed more robotic, laparoscopic and minimally invasive colorectal procedures than any other office in North Texas.

Texas Oncology Specialists have shared research at events including the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting and the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) Precision Health Informatics, a subsidiary of Texas Oncology, is a medical solutions company that aggregates information, including molecular laboratory data, from extensive medical records to innovative tests, diagnoses and treatments of cancer patients.